Prior to the hurricane my son had an episode of vomiting, high fever and pain in his ear- yep, you guessed it, it was a full blown ear infection. So the doctor prescribes an antibiotic that my son is supposed to take for 10 days.
Two days later we evacuate for the hurricane. Needless to say my son probably received two doses of the medicine. Exactly one week after the hurricane my son throws up again and is complaining about his ear. Shit. So, we go back to the doctor and I tell a pretty convincing lie that when we evacuated we FORGOT the medicine at home and since it had to be refrigerated it ended up spoiling because we lost power. She gave me the side eye but wrote another prescription.
So, September 19th we get another prescription that he is supposed to take TWICE a day for 10 days. Although the hurricane is over the aftermath still lives on and to say our schedule/pace has been harried is the biggest understatement of the year. My son has not taken the prescription- correction his horrible parents have not given him his medicine in two days. My fear is that if we go back to the doctor she will excuse herself and call CPS from the another room.
I seriously feel like a major failure. It breaks my heart when he's sick and although he has been fine- wrecking havoc all over the house- I know the infection is probably still lingering and will rear it's ugly head again and it will be all our fault. If we have to go back I'm going to put a reminder in my phone to ring when it's time for his medicine- I know I should have done that at first, hindsight makes me feel even worse. I pray to God he gets better and that we don't have to go back to the doctor. Internet please send positive vibes our way!
(that picture is from my collection The Genius @ 10 months old)
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