My BABY boy turned five on March 2nd. I am still in denial. Sometimes it feels like he's much older but most times it seems as if he just turned two the other day. The thing that's so weird to me is that he's always the age he is now. . .translated- my best and sharpest memories of him are when he was four. I remember little things he did at two and three (barely anything at one) but it's like he was born at his current age. I don't know if that's a deficiency on my part as a mother or if that's how it is for everyone.
I've promised myself to slow down a bit and enjoy the "precious moments" a lot more with Baby Girl (who by the way will be here in four and a half weeks!) especially since this is my LAST hurrah! No more babies for this old broad!
Life has been moving along. Work is totally kicking my ass and the psychology course I'm taking is proving to be a bit more challenging than I had originally anticipated. I had to talk myself out of jumping from the highest bridge when I made a 75 on an exam! Since returning to college as a grown ass woman I have never made any grade less than an 90. . .but then again I haven't been applying myself or preparing myself at all. I'm one of those sickening people who cram for a test a few hours before and usually get an A. Not so much this time. I think I might have to actually READ (gasp) and study the material if I plan on pulling out an A in this class!
What do you think it means if someone you work with is asking you a million questions about if you're going to start a baby registry and what is the theme of your nursery. . .someone who is not really a "baby person". Mmhmm. My presumptious nature smells a surprise baby shower in the works. I just hope it's not on one of my down days when I roll in with my "natural" hair and something I found in the back of my closet to stretch over my stomach! Looking a hot ass mess while everyone is yelling SURPRISE! Ha ha!
Anyhoo, I'm currently at work taking a break from the monotony of a huge project that I'm starting to lose focus on. I promised to have it completed before I left for maternity leave but now that I'm on the downhill, swollen ankle, Braxton Hicks contractions side of things- my focus is leaving me. I am doubting this project will be complete. I guess I might need to tell somebody. Part of me thinks maybe leaving something undone might give me a little job security. . .I would hate to have them come to the conclusion- in my absence- that they can do without me! I just sincerely wish I could totally do without them!
Here's my sweet prince on his special day!

1 comment:
AWW Happy belated birthday to the little man!!!
ooh you're at the homestretch! I'm 3.5 weeks behind ya!!
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