I’ve been overwhelmed by the emotion I feel at being a mother. Sometimes it is all consuming and I feel like I don’t have a single second to myself. But most of the time it is extremely exhilarating and I feel like I learn something new everyday and my capacity for love and patience grows exponentially.
I think about the different dynamics that my son and daughter bring to my life. My son, TheGenius is of course my first born- he is what I like to refer to as my heart. He is at the age where he can hold some pretty stimulating conversations and challenge everything you thought you knew about life to be true. He is smart, intelligent, handsome, funny and caring. He loves me unconditionally and proudly proclaims he is a mama’s boy. Usually the connotation for “mama’s boy” brings to mind images of spineless, wimpy kids who cling to their mother’s skirts wishing they could still be breastfed- that is not the case with my son. He is very independent and he challenges me daily but he just genuinely enjoys being with his mama. We laugh, talk, do craft projects, play superheroes, read and I listen while he talks incessantly about Ben 10. We are just cool like that. Ha ha! He is truly amazing and I pray daily that I am around to see him grow up into the phenomenal man I know he’s going to be.
My daughter- oh sweet baby girl- I like to refer to her as my soul. My daughter is me revisited. I see so much of myself in my daughter already that it’s scary. Even my aunt and other relatives have commented not only on the physical resemblance but also her personality and attitude, which she has already developed! She usually just sits back and observes everything not really calling much attention to herself but when she does bless you with a smile or a laugh it’s like a beautiful blinding ray of sunshine! When she sees something she wants she’s pretty tenacious and she’s a tough little cookie not really prone to crying for anything other than food or getting her way. Ha ha! I look at my daughter and I get so excited about the possibilities of all the things we will get to do together but I have to remind myself to tread lightly because I already realize I’m planning on being able to have a “do over” with my daughter. In other words everything I didn’t get to do or wish I would have done (even things I shouldn’t have done) I want a chance to do them with my daughter. If I’m being honest, I want to guide my son to make his own decisions and with my daughter I want to help her choose. I can’t wait for the first Barbie and Easy Bake oven! I want to start a spa day tradition and I definitely want her to get her college degree right after high school and land a fabulous job that she will LOVE.
I am very blessed and I hope God continues to allow me to remain healthy both mentally and physically so that I can be a part (and involved) of my children’s lives for many, many years to come!
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