Monday, June 9, 2008

New Friend

I know quite a few parents who have made the pilgrimage to the Build A Bear Workshop and spent a grip on stuffed animals and accessories. I thought I'd managed to avoid that pitfall since my son is four and totally into all things car related. The last thing I thought he would be interested in is a stuffed animal.

As usual I was WRONG! We were in the mall the other day- the same mall he's been in a dozen times- and suddenly he noticed the big huge bear in the window and asked, "What's that place?" I shrugged and replied, "Some place to make stuffed animals," He literally yanked my arm and pulled me into the store.

$35 later we brought to life a Triceratops complete with the team uniform of his favorite home town team. Then we had to come home and register the Triceratops online and play an interactive computer game. He's been attached to that thing like it's his new little brother. Well, that may be as close as he's gonna get so, more power to him!

And as for me, I really need to start making trips to the store by myself!

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Monday, June 9, 2008

New Friend

I know quite a few parents who have made the pilgrimage to the Build A Bear Workshop and spent a grip on stuffed animals and accessories. I thought I'd managed to avoid that pitfall since my son is four and totally into all things car related. The last thing I thought he would be interested in is a stuffed animal.

As usual I was WRONG! We were in the mall the other day- the same mall he's been in a dozen times- and suddenly he noticed the big huge bear in the window and asked, "What's that place?" I shrugged and replied, "Some place to make stuffed animals," He literally yanked my arm and pulled me into the store.

$35 later we brought to life a Triceratops complete with the team uniform of his favorite home town team. Then we had to come home and register the Triceratops online and play an interactive computer game. He's been attached to that thing like it's his new little brother. Well, that may be as close as he's gonna get so, more power to him!

And as for me, I really need to start making trips to the store by myself!

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