I have intentionally avoided talking about politics on this blog. I felt that my personal political views were not necessarily relative to parenting issues. . . that is until Barack Obama won the Democratic presidential nomination.
This historical feat is very relative for this particular forum because while I am a firm believer of "reaching for the stars" and "never giving up hope" I must admit there is a pessimist who lives within that is always pointing out the reasons why things will never work.
But now as this black man who was a public servant but virtually unknown to most of America until the 2004 Democratic Convention is thisclose to becoming President of the United States of America the pessimist in me has died.
Now when I tell my son that he can be ANYTHING in the world that he wants to be including President of the United States and he looks at me with those beautiful brown eyes full of wonder and asks, "for real?" I can proclaim without a doubt, "For real!"
Get ready people because A Change Is Gonna Come!!