My priorities are all screwed up. Have I said this before? I was too lazy to sort through the archives to see if I have in fact been singing this same old sad song. But pardon me as I go on again. . .the family and I have taken travel to a new level this year. So far we have gone on four pretty big trips this year. . .not to mention we just returned from San Antonio this past weekend. Spent the night on the Riverwalk (cha-ching) and took my son to the Backyardigan’s Live Show at the Majestic Theater (can you say orchestra seats and souvenirs!). But wait it doesn’t stop there. . .we are gearing up for a trip so monumental next week that I’m not even going to post about it until we get back.
Meanwhile. . . the carpet in my bedroom looks like it has been the playground for several wet, muddy animals with Cheetos on their paws. Uh- no, we do not have any pets.
Last year we finally ripped up the carpet in the living room and replaced it with hardwood and just recently (for cohesiveness) my husband ripped up the carpet in the ½ bath and extended the wood inside- why would a home builder think carpet in a bathroom is a good idea?!- so now that my husband has mastered putting wood down in this 6’x 3’ space he thinks he is ready to conquer our bedroom which is at least 10 times (or maybe 7 times, not too good with square footage) as big. I am excited about saving at least $1,500 in labor costs but I am concerned about his timetable. I can just see me having to call one of those home improvement shows to fix the mess he made after we've been living in it for six months!
My point is (yes, I have one) while traveling is my most favorite thing ever, I enjoy coming home even more and instead of spending money to stay at all these random hotels I really feel like we need to invest more into our house. Namely our bedroom. So, after our trip next week all travel will CEASE until our bedroom has been completed- I'm talking the whole SHEBANG- paint, hardwood floors, bedding, new fixtures and vanity in the master bath, art work and window treatments. Now of course after this is all said and done there will be no money for traveling so, it will be nice to kick back in my “luxury hotel” themed bedroom.
Did I mention my husbands "helper"? After TheGenius made that comment about not having to work because he's a kid- he got a quick lesson in Earning Your Keep 101.
1 comment:
I me an my buddy istalled hardwood floors eariler this year. Took almost a 4 weekends to finish roughly a 32X16 space and a bathroom. It was lots of fun.. lol
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