Today is Black Marriage Day. Really. It says so right here.
I'm just a little confused because I'm black and I've been married almost 9 years and we celebrate and collaborate EVERY DAY. It's not always easy but we are committed to each other and our family and we make it work. But I guess it doesn't hurt to have a reminder about what marriage means and why it's important to strengthen that bond. So, in honor of Black Marriage Day, this post is dedicated to my marriage and in the spirit of Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married I give to you my reasons:
I got married because. . . .
- I love him immensely
- He makes me laugh often
- He adores me
- He desires me
- He makes me feel like I can fly
- I knew he'd be an amazing father (and he is!)
- He supports me
- He challenges me
- He respects me
- He is very smart
- He holds his ground
- He is a gentleman
- He can fix just about anything
- He loves to travel (like me!)
- He is passionate
Although his Aquarian idealism often clashes with my pragmatic Taurus nature, we still respect each other's space and opinions. Sometimes our political views differ but we are totally in sync when it comes to parenting. We both want to ensure our children get all of the love, attention, discipline, and encouragement they need to become well adjusted, emotionally stable adults.
And I hope that one day they will be able to find a partner who sends them into a fit of giggles with one look or who shares their dreams without restrictions and loves them they way they deserve to be loved. And I hope that they reciprocate 100% because that's what marriage is all about.
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