Saturday, March 26, 2011

Catching Up

My last full post was at the end of 2009. 2009! I haven't blogged in over a year! Wow. I thought long and hard about why it has been so long and wondered if I had run out of things to talk about or if I had so much stuff to say that there would be no way in hell I could fit everything in. I'd like to the think it was a combination of both.

The truth is that life with two kids, working full time outside of the home and taking classes is EXHAUSTING and the last thing I want to do (I think able is a better word) is log on and share my day or my experience with the blogosphere.

But lately I find myself needing that outlet again as I'm contemplating the next chapter in my life. I turned 40 last year (gasp) and my priorities have been shifting big time.

The title on that magazine cover is hilarious "WARNING: KIDS". Ha! Yeah, they should totally come with a warning label. I think the hardest thing for me has been trying to further divide myself and give enough time, love and attention to yet another person! But even harder is the subsequent guilt I feel when I don't think I've succeeded at giving everyone what they need.

I can hardly believe how fast the past two years have flown by. My baby girl is turning two in 7 days! That seems so unreal to me. I've been here with her every day and present in her life but in many ways I feel like I've missed so much. It's strange because it was the exact opposite with my son- seems like he was a "baby" much longer and I can remember specific milestones with him. I'm ashamed to say, I can't tell you exactly when my daughter started walking. It's like we looked up one day and she was on her feet!

I'm trying to slow down and focus more on her (and my son) but that often means sacrificing any time for myself and that's definitely not a good thing. In order to be a fully functioning parent you need to take time for yourself to refresh and renew. WOO-SA!!

(Sidebar- of course WOO-SA came from Bad Boys 2, did y'all hear there was going to be a part 3? I LOVE Bad Boys but seriously? Will and Martin are getting older and can't be running around like they used to. . .but I guess that didn't stop Mel Gibson and Danny Glover with the Lethal Weapon movies. .. but I digress)

Last year we took some family trips to see how well baby girl would travel because TheGenius is a travel pro! His first trip was to Jamaica when he was like 20 months old and he did not cry or fuss AT ALL during that entire trip!

Baby girl wanted to stand up in the seats and jump around on the flight to Philly. She did okay on the flight to Minneapolis, she was just a little loud. Okay, she was really loud! She wants her way constantly and that is going to be a lifelong struggle between the two of us. She's an Aries and I'm a Taurus so we're always locking horns!

We haven't traveled since the end of last year (a quick road trip to Dallas) and I have the cabin fever! I want to go somewhere!!! So, we're looking at Easter weekend maybe going to Florida or California- I need a beach!

Sorry if my thoughts are all over the place, it was a lot harder jumping back into this than I initially thought. My intention was to talk about what I've learned and what we've done over the past year and a half but I guess that will be the next post ;-) In the meantime, here is a video that highlights our 2010 escapades! Enjoy!

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Catching Up

My last full post was at the end of 2009. 2009! I haven't blogged in over a year! Wow. I thought long and hard about why it has been so long and wondered if I had run out of things to talk about or if I had so much stuff to say that there would be no way in hell I could fit everything in. I'd like to the think it was a combination of both.

The truth is that life with two kids, working full time outside of the home and taking classes is EXHAUSTING and the last thing I want to do (I think able is a better word) is log on and share my day or my experience with the blogosphere.

But lately I find myself needing that outlet again as I'm contemplating the next chapter in my life. I turned 40 last year (gasp) and my priorities have been shifting big time.

The title on that magazine cover is hilarious "WARNING: KIDS". Ha! Yeah, they should totally come with a warning label. I think the hardest thing for me has been trying to further divide myself and give enough time, love and attention to yet another person! But even harder is the subsequent guilt I feel when I don't think I've succeeded at giving everyone what they need.

I can hardly believe how fast the past two years have flown by. My baby girl is turning two in 7 days! That seems so unreal to me. I've been here with her every day and present in her life but in many ways I feel like I've missed so much. It's strange because it was the exact opposite with my son- seems like he was a "baby" much longer and I can remember specific milestones with him. I'm ashamed to say, I can't tell you exactly when my daughter started walking. It's like we looked up one day and she was on her feet!

I'm trying to slow down and focus more on her (and my son) but that often means sacrificing any time for myself and that's definitely not a good thing. In order to be a fully functioning parent you need to take time for yourself to refresh and renew. WOO-SA!!

(Sidebar- of course WOO-SA came from Bad Boys 2, did y'all hear there was going to be a part 3? I LOVE Bad Boys but seriously? Will and Martin are getting older and can't be running around like they used to. . .but I guess that didn't stop Mel Gibson and Danny Glover with the Lethal Weapon movies. .. but I digress)

Last year we took some family trips to see how well baby girl would travel because TheGenius is a travel pro! His first trip was to Jamaica when he was like 20 months old and he did not cry or fuss AT ALL during that entire trip!

Baby girl wanted to stand up in the seats and jump around on the flight to Philly. She did okay on the flight to Minneapolis, she was just a little loud. Okay, she was really loud! She wants her way constantly and that is going to be a lifelong struggle between the two of us. She's an Aries and I'm a Taurus so we're always locking horns!

We haven't traveled since the end of last year (a quick road trip to Dallas) and I have the cabin fever! I want to go somewhere!!! So, we're looking at Easter weekend maybe going to Florida or California- I need a beach!

Sorry if my thoughts are all over the place, it was a lot harder jumping back into this than I initially thought. My intention was to talk about what I've learned and what we've done over the past year and a half but I guess that will be the next post ;-) In the meantime, here is a video that highlights our 2010 escapades! Enjoy!

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