It's Good Friday! Thank you to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for the multitude of blessings I receive daily!
I count my son among those blessings and you can thank him for these priceless gems. These are words straight from his 4 year old mouth, to my ears, to this page, for your eyes. Words to live by:
1. If you count from 20 backwards real slow the hiccups will go away.
2. If you always forget stuff that means you’re getting old.
3. If you are 37 years old you should not be asking a 4 year old how to do stuff.
4. Don’t say yes to something unless you’re "askolutely" sure about it.
5. If you put worms in a bucket and then cover them up with dirt and leave them on the porch- they will crawl out of the dirt and the bucket.
6. Somebody is only "bad" if they are not your friend.
7. Sometimes when you don’t want to talk to people (or even look at them) you might be shy.
8. If you hurt yourself and somebody kisses it, it will feel better.
9. Never say can’t- always try.
10. When your tummy hurts that means you have to go poop.
Tip- The Genius was sick last night (still recovering). He had a 101.9 fever. I find a teaspoon of Children's Motrin and a Popsicle is the best cure for his fever. His temperature was down to 99 in about twenty minutes.
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