Soon the honeychildmedia site will be a thing of the past. . . .I’m canceling my web page at the end of the Spring season. I’m still (more than ever) interested in developing a publication for African American parents in the Houston area but I think I’m going about it the wrong way. So, until I can get my "stuff" together I’ve started this new platform to stay in touch and offer my tidbits more frequently.
I am a HUGE fan of blogs. I think it is a great a forum for allowing people to share their experiences and as you read these stories (from the sublime to the ridiculous) you begin to realize and appreciate that we all share a common bond. We all want to live a life of substance. We all want to be loved. And those of us with children want them to grow up to be productive, well-adjusted adults. I have another blog that I author but there is NO WAY I’m sharing that with anyone I know! If you happen to come across it, shhh, keep it to yourself. I don’t need the world knowing the depths of my insanity!
Anyway, welcome aboard, sit back, relax and come along with me on this journey as I share some anecdotes, information, rants, raves and musings on my life as a woman and a parent
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