Saturday, March 22, 2008

Pass the Tissue

I'm sitting here wondering when my son is going to wipe his nose. Now if I can see that it's running, he can certainly FEEL it?! Okay, he's getting up and he's getting a. . .car. Okay, now he's going to. . .his room. Okay, he came back. . . surely after passing by the box of tissue for the second time he will see it and realize the wet liquid pooling around his top lip can be wiped off using one of these soft, soothing. . .okay, enough already excuse me while I yell- um, I mean gently remind him to wipe his nose! Geez!

After my son started daycare (it's been almost a year and a half) he developed what I call a chronic runny nose. It started as allergies-clear runny nose and watery eyes-but soon his nostrils were always filled with thick yellow and/or green (EW!) mucous. A doctor's visit revealed that he had become the recipient of the germs and viruses shared in abundance by children in daycare.

The doctor prescribed antibiotics and after taking the appropriate doses his nose would stay dry for about a week. Then the vicious cycle would start all over again. The reason: allergies are not contagious but sinus infections and head colds are contagious and many parents take their children to daycare unaware that they pose a potential threat to their playmates. We've been conditioned to believe the only time a child is contagious is if a fever is present. But if a child has an infection and they wipe their nose throughout the day (even with tissue) and then play with toys that other children come in contact with or if they touch other children with their hands they are unknowingly passing germs.

The only way we would be able to prevent my son from being infected is to either take him out of daycare or take him to daycare in a bubble suit. Since those aren't really viable options we have learned to live with it and pray that once he starts public school his immune system will be stronger. In the meantime we stock up on tissue (note to self- buy stock in Kleenex), keep Children's Claritin on hand, and a nasal aspirator. Another way to control (not cure) a chronic runny nose is with salt water (saline) drops in the nose for maximum drainage.

Don't know if your child is contagious? Here are some signs:
1. Fever
2. Thick yellowish green or gray nasal discharge with or without a fever
3. Excessive coughing and/or sneezing
4. Tiredness (when they are usually very active)

Also, remember to have children wash their hands several times a day and every time they wipe their nose. For more information log on to

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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Pass the Tissue

I'm sitting here wondering when my son is going to wipe his nose. Now if I can see that it's running, he can certainly FEEL it?! Okay, he's getting up and he's getting a. . .car. Okay, now he's going to. . .his room. Okay, he came back. . . surely after passing by the box of tissue for the second time he will see it and realize the wet liquid pooling around his top lip can be wiped off using one of these soft, soothing. . .okay, enough already excuse me while I yell- um, I mean gently remind him to wipe his nose! Geez!

After my son started daycare (it's been almost a year and a half) he developed what I call a chronic runny nose. It started as allergies-clear runny nose and watery eyes-but soon his nostrils were always filled with thick yellow and/or green (EW!) mucous. A doctor's visit revealed that he had become the recipient of the germs and viruses shared in abundance by children in daycare.

The doctor prescribed antibiotics and after taking the appropriate doses his nose would stay dry for about a week. Then the vicious cycle would start all over again. The reason: allergies are not contagious but sinus infections and head colds are contagious and many parents take their children to daycare unaware that they pose a potential threat to their playmates. We've been conditioned to believe the only time a child is contagious is if a fever is present. But if a child has an infection and they wipe their nose throughout the day (even with tissue) and then play with toys that other children come in contact with or if they touch other children with their hands they are unknowingly passing germs.

The only way we would be able to prevent my son from being infected is to either take him out of daycare or take him to daycare in a bubble suit. Since those aren't really viable options we have learned to live with it and pray that once he starts public school his immune system will be stronger. In the meantime we stock up on tissue (note to self- buy stock in Kleenex), keep Children's Claritin on hand, and a nasal aspirator. Another way to control (not cure) a chronic runny nose is with salt water (saline) drops in the nose for maximum drainage.

Don't know if your child is contagious? Here are some signs:
1. Fever
2. Thick yellowish green or gray nasal discharge with or without a fever
3. Excessive coughing and/or sneezing
4. Tiredness (when they are usually very active)

Also, remember to have children wash their hands several times a day and every time they wipe their nose. For more information log on to

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