I’m taking a government class (don’t ask) and we were given an article to comment on called Texas on the Brink. The article listed areas such as education, health care, housing, etc. and where Texas ranked in each category. To say our rankings were pathetic is an understatement. We are the worst state (according to this report) in terms of health care insurance for children and the elderly. We also spend more on housing prisoners than we do on educating our children.
At first I took offense to the report, because yall know Texans LOVE their state! Then I was outraged- as a tax paying citizen- that my state’s leaders are apparently a group of inept, incompetent fools who keep getting re-elected. I realize the lack of health care may have to do with unemployment in most households but I think that the main reason the ranking was so low is because of the individuals included in the study. It is no secret that Texas has a huge problem with illegal immigrants, whose children are born in this country and are legal citizens of the state but because a lot of their parents don't have health insurance the kids don't have insurance. This lack of coverage (not all by children of illegal immigrants) is putting a huge burden on our state subsidized (FREE) clinics and hospitals. This issue really needs to be a priority for Congress instead of getting funding for zoo projects!
The health issue aside my biggest concern is the education statistic. Are we seriously spending $7,142 per student in Texas and $20,232 per prisoner?! That is UNACCEPTABLE! It almost supports the conspiracy theorists notion that they are preparing a place in prison for anyone who can’t afford go to college. We need to provide more opportunities and college bound programs for children in the inner city, public schools. Speaking as a suburbanite who pays school taxes for the district where I live- I understand wanting the tax money to be used for students (i.e., your children) and programs in your area. But if we don’t start sharing the proverbial wealth, Texas will be on the brink of losing its ability to compete and provide economic opportunities for all of its citizens.
There is no reason that ALL schools in the state of Texas should not be equipped with the proper amount of teachers, textbooks and computers. Remember how outraged we all were about the property tax hike? So, we protested (well I didn't actually physically participate but I was yelling and screaming at the t.v. in protest) , picketed, and wrote letters to Austin. And they ACTUALLY lowered the taxes! Never underestimate the power to make changes (especially during an election season). We need to be just as outraged if not more that the state does not have a more comprehensive plan in place to ensure all children have access to the same quality education. We cannot afford to just be concerned about what’s going on in our own backyard- Texas is our backyard and if we don’t tackle this issue head on then we may as well make room for more prisons.
Read full article here: http://www.borderhealth.org/files/res_880.pdf
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