Friday, April 11, 2008

The Greatest Love of All

Here's another Friday Flashback. . .

I know I've been a little hard on the kiddos this week but I still believe they have the power to continue bringing about change in the world just as the generations before them have done. It just breaks my heart when I see their potential being wasted or diminished behind stupid stuff! As parents we have an awesome responsibility- let's continue to teach them well. . .

(Man, I miss this voice!)


Don said...

Whitney Houston was awesome when that song came out. Beautiful song.

MzM said...

@ don
Yes, her voice was sheer perfection. Pitch and tone totally succint and such control. Ah, the good old days. . .I really think that is what's missing in today's secular music- mastery of the craft. There are a lot of "entertainers" out there but very few singers who can evoke emotions the way Whitney did. . .

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Greatest Love of All

Here's another Friday Flashback. . .

I know I've been a little hard on the kiddos this week but I still believe they have the power to continue bringing about change in the world just as the generations before them have done. It just breaks my heart when I see their potential being wasted or diminished behind stupid stuff! As parents we have an awesome responsibility- let's continue to teach them well. . .

(Man, I miss this voice!)


Don said...

Whitney Houston was awesome when that song came out. Beautiful song.

MzM said...

@ don
Yes, her voice was sheer perfection. Pitch and tone totally succint and such control. Ah, the good old days. . .I really think that is what's missing in today's secular music- mastery of the craft. There are a lot of "entertainers" out there but very few singers who can evoke emotions the way Whitney did. . .