Monday, April 7, 2008

Little Learner

It's never too early to start your child on the right path with education. The expectations in today's classroom have changed drastically since we were in elementary school. The main focus I'm told is on reading and comprehension. Not only is it important that your child know how to read but they need to be able to answer questions about the theme, setting and characters in the story.

From day one you should not only let your children know how important a good education is but how important it is to YOU as their parent. Congratulate and reward them when they do well in school. Be sure to touch base with their teachers periodically to find out how they are doing. If there are issues the more advanced notice you have the better chance of correcting or mitigating any problems.

My son attends a "daycare", which is the legal name but they provide a Pre-K (A Beka) curriculum and he is really thriving in the environment. He is excited about learning and is always so proud when he gets to bring his folder home on Friday filled with all the work they've done during the week. I give him high fives and let him know that I'm proud of him. I've even purchased workbooks from Wal-Mart and he LOVES doing "homework" and impressing me with his knowledge. He will write a word and when I feign surprise he says, "See, you didn't even know I could spell that word. I'm really smart," Yes, he is!

I'm praying, keeping my fingers crossed and will stay active and involved in his education to help ensure it continues! Besides I'm raising a future doctor who just might discover the cure for cancer!

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Monday, April 7, 2008

Little Learner

It's never too early to start your child on the right path with education. The expectations in today's classroom have changed drastically since we were in elementary school. The main focus I'm told is on reading and comprehension. Not only is it important that your child know how to read but they need to be able to answer questions about the theme, setting and characters in the story.

From day one you should not only let your children know how important a good education is but how important it is to YOU as their parent. Congratulate and reward them when they do well in school. Be sure to touch base with their teachers periodically to find out how they are doing. If there are issues the more advanced notice you have the better chance of correcting or mitigating any problems.

My son attends a "daycare", which is the legal name but they provide a Pre-K (A Beka) curriculum and he is really thriving in the environment. He is excited about learning and is always so proud when he gets to bring his folder home on Friday filled with all the work they've done during the week. I give him high fives and let him know that I'm proud of him. I've even purchased workbooks from Wal-Mart and he LOVES doing "homework" and impressing me with his knowledge. He will write a word and when I feign surprise he says, "See, you didn't even know I could spell that word. I'm really smart," Yes, he is!

I'm praying, keeping my fingers crossed and will stay active and involved in his education to help ensure it continues! Besides I'm raising a future doctor who just might discover the cure for cancer!

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