The past three days have been very interesting to say the least. I am a member of the NBCDI and the mission of the organization is quite simple: to improve and protect the quality of life of Black children and families.
On Saturday the Houston chapter hosted a Spelling Bee in the Cuney Homes Housing Project. We had about fifteen kids participate from ages 9 to 12. It was my first BCDI event and it was quite rewarding. Make no mistake about it despite the circumstances under which many of them are living these children are incredibly bright. All participants received McDonald's gift cards and the final three won trophies. Afterwards we stayed and served hot dogs and nachos to the participants and their parents (plus a few others. . .word spread fast about the FREE FOOD).
The final word that crowned our winner was exactly how I felt to be a part of this event:
Now I guess I should have started this posting talking about what happened when I woke up Thursday morning. I woke up feeling all twisted in a knot like I had been practicing contortionist moves in my sleep. I stretched and did some basic yoga moves to get my blood flowing. After a hot shower everything felt pretty good except my right arm. I had a little "twinge" but figured it would be all good by the time I got to work. After being at work most of the day typing at a furious pace and using my mouse with my right hand in rapid fire motion- my right arm started to HURT.
I went home and put some ice on it and elevated it- because by that time my elbow was swollen. I am in straight panic mode and thisclose to going to the ER. But I wait it out and fall asleep upright in the big chair and head to my doctor first thing in the morning. I was referred to an orthopedist to make sure I didn't have a fracture (!), which now I'm looking at my husband crazy because I'm thinking, "Did he jack me up in my sleep?!" So, I go in for -x-rays at the orthopedist office and I cry like a baby because my arm is literally locked in place and the x-ray tech has to try and stretch it out to get the x-ray.
Once I pull myself together the films are ready and I go back to take a look with the doctor and there is this little ball out to the side of my elbow that he refers to as a "calcification" build up. Better known as "tennis elbow". I have NEVER EVER in my life played tennis. I don't even play sports. In fact, the only time I'm exert any energy outside is when I go check the mailbox. Dang, that mail must have been heavier than I thought! He said, I probably had some trauma to the elbow a long time ago and slept on it wrong and aggravated it. I have banged my funny bone really hard before but I didn't think any damage had been done. After giving me a sling and a Rx for Cortisone tablets I was told it is a chronic condition that can flare up again if I'm not careful. (Despite my injury I was at the Spelling Bee serving hot dogs!)
The thing that is so wild about this entire freak occurrence is that Sunday was my birthday (yes, on Mother's Day) so it was quite appropriate that I celebrated another birthday on Mother's Day because getting old is a mother-shut-yo-mouth!
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