Gather up your old magazines and let your child flip through them to find things they like or places they want to go. Cut out the images and have your child arrange them in any order on a poster board or on a large sheet of construction paper. Be sure to leave room across the top for a title like, “Ahmad’s Favorite Things” or “Places Jasmine Wants to Visit”.
Once you get the desired design apply glue to the back of the cut outs and affix them to the poster board/construction paper. A couple of cool effects include letting your child trace the outline of the cut-out with a marker or crayon, applying a glitter border or you can find old photo’s (like that photo you made 20 copies of on their 1st birthday or the 75 wallets you have left over from the school pictures) and cut out your child’s face and place it on the bodies of the people in the collage. See picture of my son’s collage for an example. . .we pasted his face over the picture of all the children in the collage doing things he likes.
Once the masterpiece is complete find a place of honor on the wall in their room or on the refrigerator (I don’t do refrigerator art in my house- drawback of OCD). This project is fun and very easy, just be sure to pack your patience!
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