Monday, May 5, 2008

Computer Literate

If it wasn't just an over indulgent and unnecessary purchase I might break down and get my son his own laptop. Seriously. I have a personal laptop, my husband has a work issued laptop that he brings home daily and we have a desktop. Granted the desktop is a bit of a dinosaur but it is still fully functional. But my son never wants to play his games on the desktop he has the nerve to say it's too slow.
So, he asks to use my computer and then get this- he places a timer on his use. He'll say, "I'm going to play my games until 7:35, okay?" Um- no, it's not okay I have stuff to do little boy! I'm glad he is getting exposure on the computer and can navigate it like a champ but he might need to save a lot more money in his piggy bank to get his own laptop!

Here are a few fun and educational sites:

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Monday, May 5, 2008

Computer Literate

If it wasn't just an over indulgent and unnecessary purchase I might break down and get my son his own laptop. Seriously. I have a personal laptop, my husband has a work issued laptop that he brings home daily and we have a desktop. Granted the desktop is a bit of a dinosaur but it is still fully functional. But my son never wants to play his games on the desktop he has the nerve to say it's too slow.
So, he asks to use my computer and then get this- he places a timer on his use. He'll say, "I'm going to play my games until 7:35, okay?" Um- no, it's not okay I have stuff to do little boy! I'm glad he is getting exposure on the computer and can navigate it like a champ but he might need to save a lot more money in his piggy bank to get his own laptop!

Here are a few fun and educational sites:

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